Finding My Tribe

Hello Everyone!

I hope you don't mind if I take a detour from civility and speak transparently about entrepreneurship. I never knew how much this 'machine' depends on you. However, I am learning more and more that it is important to have people who not only support you but also live life with the same passions and convictions as you do.

Persistence and patience are the actions I would submit for your consideration. I am not alone in this world with the same vision, and neither are you if you find yourself wondering. It takes time and patience. Clients and customers do not know who you are... yet. But they will if you stay persistent.

This winding road is filled with corners where you will feel no one has your back and that opportunities evade you simply because others do not see clearly your vision…yet, but they will!

Keep showing up for yourself and the people you want to serve; eventually, the right customer or client will be leading you into the right room with other people who understand you, your brand, and your mission.

My best friend reminded me that I have always had a "first to do things" mindset, and that will definitely take time for people to catch on to our unique services and style. Inspire Change Everywhere is the first of its kind in Texas, and good things take time to attract the right clients and customers.

As a reminder, if you are dealing with finding your tribe, remember to be patient and persistent. Take a moment to reflect on the people who are already supporting you. It took time to cultivate those relationships, and it will require the same amount of effort to build your customer base.

I do hope this encourages you in some way, shape, or form. It has not been easy for me and has taken many years to find the identity in this company, so be sure to stay true to yourself because it speeds up that process.

In the meantime, in between time. Be Blessed. Be Inspired.

- Ms. Icye


Trauma & Civility: using Etiquette as a Tool